
ISO Service Opportunities Available

In preparation for the 2021 annual meeting of the ISO Conference, the Nominating Committee (NomCom) is asking all members of the fellowship who are interested in serving at the ISO level to complete and submit a service resume.

The form may be found on the service website at under the “International Service” link in the left-hand menu.

At the annual meeting of the Conference in October 2021, the NomCom will present slates of nominees for election to the Board of Trustees, Literature Committee, Conference Steering Committee, Conference Area Coordinating Committee, and Conference Nominating Committee.

The NomCom is seeking potential candidates with solid program experience, long-term sobriety, and an appreciation of the value of active service. In addition, the NomCom will strive to nominate candidates who reflect the broad diversity of our fellowship.

Completed service resumes should be emailed to or mailed to Nominating Committee, ISO, PO Box 70949, Houston, TX 77270.

Deadline for definite consideration for the 2021-22 service year is June 15, 2021.